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                                                                                           9. ADONIS-LIKE SONS? (Sept. 2002) 

Just a a little sidebar in a NY Times article caught my attention.
          It was about a man who pulled up to a spot and hired 3 Mexicans to take back to his fancy house in Port Jefferson on Long Island's north shore. The man had just spent $25,000 to clear some trees. Now he wanted the Mexicans to lay down some sod. Observing the work , and not lifting a finger of course to help, were the man's 2 sons, who the Times reporter described as having "Adonis-like bodies".
          "They like to go to the gym," their mother said.
          Here's what I ask.
          Adonis-like for what?
          When I was a kid it's likely the 2 Adonis boys would have pitched in. Alongside their father, some friends, some neighbors.
          Adonis-like for what, I ask?
          To win a WW II? To cross the continent? To be great hunters? To farm?
          All across America the wealthy, spoiled brats of American prosperity are pumping iron, pushing themselves under the sergeant-like barking of personal trainers, maybe taking steroids, to hone their useless delts and abs and pecs. Young men who will never do work more strenuous than flicking a computer on are training harder than Olympic athletes trained 50 years ago.
          For what?
          So their biceps can ripple as they hand their 50-dollar bills to their Mexican servants?
          We are becoming very rich. And gorgeous, useless abstractions.

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